Harvesting Basil

A reader recently inquired as to the best way to harvest basil. Do you pick the biggest leaves from the bottom of the plant or pinch sprigs from the top?


I recommend the latter. As you can see in this photo, about 1 inch below where I pinched off a sprig, two more stalks shot out from either side. By harvesting in this method, you will have a full, bushy plant and increase your yields.

So what am I making with all this basil? 

Herb Butter

Scape Basil Pesto

Pasta with Young Garlic, Tomatoes and Basil

Savory Greens and Potatoes

And as the summer progresses, I will be adding it to all sorts of tomato dishes, and freezing some to take me through the winter.

One Reply to “Harvesting Basil”

  1. Basil is my absolute favorite herb! I have to have it in my fridge at all times. I haven’t tried growing my own. I really should. 🙂

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