An Old Favorite – Re-imagined.


The other night I used the garlic scape in a fit of desperation – wanting the garlic flavor but nary a clove to be found in the house. A delicious dinner to be sure, it wasn’t the best show case for this spring delicacy.  So today, the experiments began in earnest.

I queried my friends for suggestions – most of the recipe suggestions in cyberspace are for pesto – and Daniel suggested stir-fried with kale, bacon and lemon. With the kale ready for its first harvest, this was a great variation of my favorite kale recipe, and a great way to pull together the flavors of the garden.

Kale Sautéed with Bacon, Scapes and Lemon

2 slices bacon, diced
½ pound kale, coarsely chopped
2 – 3 garlic scapes, chopped
¼ tsp. chili flakes (optional)
Juice of ½ lemon
Salt and pepper to taste.

Heat a large a large skillet. Add the bacon and cook until the fat starts to render, and the bacon begins to brown. Drain off excess fat.

To the bacon pan, add the scapes and chili flakes, and then the kale. Cook for 3 minutes, or until kale is wilted and tender.

Season to taste with salt and pepper. Squeeze lemon on top just before serving.

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