After a seemingly endless winter, 50 degrees feels downright balmy. I spent much of the weekend in the garden… cleaning up, tilling the soil and planting seeds.
First task: raking the dead leaves off the vegetable beds. Normally, I'd say to leave them on because they mulch the soil and provide nutrients. But I've learned from experience that these particular leaves produce TONS of weeds. So I try to get rid of as much as possible.
Next: till the soil. With all the snow and rain, the soil compacted rather densely. I loosened the soil so that the new vegetable roots could easily grow.
Finally, I planted a bunch of seeds…
In the front garden…Can you see the spring onions popping up in the front left? In the back on the left, I planted kohlrabi. And on the right, kale and icicle radishes.
In the back on the left…The lettuces: mizuna, tatsoi and arugula. And yes, I need to paint the back fence. Along the back fence, I propped up some chicken wire. I'll plant the peas along that line and hopefully they will train easily up the fencing.
And in the back on the right…Can you see all the sage? You just can't kill that stuff! And behind that, the lone brussels sprout plant… a bit droopy but still producing. To the left, I planted some mixed lettuces and more arugula.