My fall growing season was cut short by a long frost in the middle of November. The temperatures didn't rise above freezing for almost a week. After the first overnight frost I thought to myself, "Terrific, the brussels sprouts need this to sweeten them up." And I know from talking with Brett that the lettuces can withstand an overnight of below freezing temperatures as long as they during the daylight hours.
Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate. The broccoli raab began making valiant efforts to recover, but with the first dusting of snow followed by another bout of freezing temperatures, I think I will need to wait until spring.
Throughout the summer, I enjoyed stalks of celery. I never did harvest a full head. Flacid celery is unattractive, but the flavor is fine. So I continue to harvest stalks when I want the celery boost.The leaves on the brussels sprouts are droopy but the flavor is sweet and bright. The sprouts continue to grow and been enjoying them a handful at a time. The scallions seem to be content and sturdy despite the snow and frost.
And surprise, surprise… the sage still looks full and lush. A few sprigs made a wonderful accompaniment to Dina's braised duck legs with lentils.