Culinary Incubator

The barriers to entry for food manufacturers make entrepreneurship difficult. Many of us have the perfect recipe for a rich, chocolate sauce, frozen food line or catering business. Getting your product to market is lined with pitfalls, the first on the list: finding a commercial kitchen to produce your products that complies with state and federal regulations, as most prevent entrepreneurs from producing most food products in residential kitchens. Funding a commercial kitchen for a start-up is neither financially feasible nor prudent.

Nuestra Culinary Ventures had filled that void for food entrepreneurs by offering a culinary business incubator: a commercial kitchen that offered space for up to 25 food businesses at a time. NCV wanted out, and now Crop Circle Kitchen has taken over the space in Jamaica Plain, continuing to offer food entrepreneurs a certified kitchen to launch their business. To date, they have helped launch 25 new food businesses, and continue to take applications

For more information about Crop Circle Kitchen

CropCircle, Inc. – A shared use kitchen in Boston
Contact: Jonathan Kemp and Jeffrey Walker
31 Germania St I/J. Jamaica Plain MA 617-438-2904

Non-profit 24/7 shared-use kitchen facility. Provides testing area, overflow use, cooking classes, food safety managers course, technical and business support.”, “22 burners, walk in freezer, walk in fridge, dry goods storage area, meat slicer, 30 qt mixer, grill, convection oven, conventional oven, and proof box”, Storage, 8hrs/quarter hours.

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